The new EU Medical Device and in-vitro Diagnostics Regulation - How does it impact your organisation?

The new EU Medical Device and in-vitro Diagnostics Regulation - How does it impact your organisation?

Date & Time
Monday, 10 July, 2017 - 08:30 to 17:30
Food and beverages served?
Seminar room
Type of event

Stendard, together with TÜV Rheinland and MT Promedt Consulting GmbH, is organising the first-ever tripartite workshop! Come and get first-hand updates on the new Medical Device Regulation (MDR) and in-vitro Diagnostic Regulation (IVDR), what are Notified Bodies looking out for during the audits and how you can leverage on software to help you transit your products from the current directives to the new regulations.

Singapore companies eligible for PIC are able to claim 40% off post-discounted tickets. Register now with discount code "IAMEARLY" for attractive early-bird discount!